Muscle Build

Outside of looking good, having appropriate muscle mass can provide numerous benefits to the human body

Muscle Build

Outside of looking good, having appropriate muscle mass can provide numerous benefits to the human body:


Some people think that if they just lose the weight, they will enjoy how they look in the mirror more. They grind their gears on an elliptical to lose the weight, and don’t like what they see. This phenomenon is because they haven’t added any muscle! Shedding some fat and adding lean muscle is the ultimate combo for aesthetics.

Boosts Your Metabolism

Your RMR (resting metabolic rate) is directly proportionate to the amount of muscle tissue you have. This means that the more muscle you have the more calories you burn both at rest and when active.

Stronger Body = Healthier Body

Often our lifestyles lead our bodies to create imbalances in muscular tension. With an imbalance in muscular tension, our joints will often let us know something is not right. Smart strength training and muscle building can restore appropriate muscular tension in those areas. Also, muscle attaches to tendons which attach to bone. With adequate strength training we can challenge these attachments that in return better our bone density.

Lowers Risk of Injury

Generally speaking the more muscle we have the more concentric work we can put in to them. The more concentric work we can put in to muscles means the less work our tendons have to do as they can maintain their elastic properties. Strong muscles, bouncy tendons, and dense bones equals a resilient human body.

To build muscle to need to lift the appropriate weight, for the desired number of reps, and then rest the most amount time to be able to repeat the process again. BPC’s highly educated coaches keep all of this in consideration during your training session. If building muscle is your goal, BPC is the place to be.

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